Torion’s Constellation - A Primer

A constellation is known as a grouping of stars with a recognizable pattern, but also a cluster of related things. This website is thus about things related to me—my activity, my interests, and my thoughts. What goes in my blog will be about such me-things. I will not commit to routine postings as that could easily cause me to consider this happy little constellation a not-so-happy job, or, worse, it could overstimulate my ego.

A little more detail on the content I plan to post here: typically I will post updates, such as about stories I’ve published or music covers I’ve uploaded. I may also post short stories or excerpts of my work as I see fit. More generally, I may post about topics like anime, film, psychology, or anything I have an interest in or thought about. In case this needs to be said, what I post about such topics will be my own opinion; and, while I may call myself a therapist, I don’t give advice.

The last thing to be addressed are comments. I welcome them. I even welcome comments that aren’t about me, so long as they are related to a post even if tangentially. However, I don’t welcome impolite, insulting, or irrelevant comments. Such comments will be addressed at my discretion. This doesn’t mean comments can’t be critical. Just remember the three I’s as what to avoid when commenting.

With all that out of the way, I’ll leave links to my other social media accounts and pages here.


Not James